Visitors - Take a Tour
Welcome to Fort Stewart – Hunter Army Airfield. Experience the legendary Fort Stewart, the Army’s premier installation east of the Mississippi River and Hunter Army Airfield, located in Savannah, plays a critical role in the post’s deployment capabilities with a 11,375 feet long runway and an aircraft parking area that is more than 350 acres.
Virtual Newcomers Orientation
Congratulations on your assignment to the 3rd Infantry Division headquartered at Fort Stewart-Hunter Army Airfield, Georgia. We’ve put together a virtual Newcomers Orientation with important information you need to know before making your move.
Just show your CAC to the MPs at the gate
No pass needed. Show the ID at the gate
1 Year Access through the gates
Fort Stewart
Mon - Sat
5:00 AM - 5:00 PM
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
BLDG 101
Fort Stewart Wooldridge Gate (1),
West General Screven Way
Fort Stewart
GA 31314
Fort Stewart Wooldridge Gate (1)
DONSA 5:00 am-7:00 pm
(912) 767 7750
Hunter AAF
Mon - Sat
6:00 AM - 6:00 PM
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
BLDG 1400
Montgomery St
Hunter Army Airfield
GA 31409
Inside Montgomery Gate
DONSA 5:00 am-7:00 pm
(912) 315 2588/2040
Stewart Gates
1. Wooldridge Gate (1) - General Screven Way
2. Troup Gate - Troup Ave/E 4th Street
Hunter Gates

Frequently Asked Questions
Can I Uber or Lyft on post?
All Taxi/Uber/Lyft drivers require a valid Fort Stewart-Hunter Army Airfield visitor pass even if the fare is a DOD ID cardholder. Taxi/Uber/Lyft companies are NOT authorized access to the installation as a Trusted Traveler. Must be vetted and issued a VCC pass. Drivers will be turned around.
Will the Guards search my car?
The Guards conduct random car inspections – we never search.